On tournament participated 128 competitors in Kata and 171 competitors in Kumite in total number of 205 competitors from 27 clubs / teams of 13 countries: Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Croatia.
All results and statistics you may find on http://karate-data.com/Tourna…/19th-domenica-cup/About/166).
Many thanks to all competitors and their parents, coaches and club leaders. Many thanks to all referees and volunteers as well as to all our supporters: the Zagreb County and its prefect Mr. Stjepan Kožić, the city of Svete Nedelja and its mayor Mr. Dario Zurovec – gradonačelnik Grada Svete Nedelje, the Institute for Emergency Medicine of the Zagreb County, the Sports Communities of the Zagreb County and the city of Sveta Nedelja, the Tourist Boards of the Zagreb County and the city of Sveta Nedelja, Atlantic Group, the Elementary School Vladimir Deščak and its principal Mrs. Petra Markanović as well as the Elementary School Sveta Nedelja and its principal Mr. Zvonimir Markić.
Finally, many thanks to all our members of clubs Fortis Samobor and Domenica Sveta Nedelja and to our families.
Once again, many thanks to all and see you in March 2025 on the 20th Domenica Cup;